The One Stop Tools Book from Draper Tools

Available from all Draper stockists, the full colour 780 page publication features over 8,500 products and is their biggest yet! There are hundreds of NEW LINES in all categories including the workstation modular storage system and a range of low noise compressors.
For web traders and stockists producing their own marketing material, Draper Tools have produced a DVD containing digital images and specifications/descriptions of all items appearing in the catalogue. This information is also available on the website which is regularly updated with the latest products.
The catalogue is priced and available in either Sterling or Euro. Electronic pages of the catalogue can also
be found at
For your FREE copy of the new Draper Tools catalogue and DVD, telephone the Sales Desk on 023 8049 4333. Existing trade account holders will automatically receive a copy of the catalogue.
Labels: Draper Tools Catalogue